Obtaining Medical Marijauna and Allowable Limits | Medical Marijuana Laws | Marijuana Clinic Portland
Under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, registered patients can use marijuana, and grow it or arrange to have a caregiver grow it for them. A patient may store (possess) up to 24 ounces of dried plant material. Patients can give marijuana to other patients, but they cannot legally buy it or sell it to anyone.
To produce the medicine, each patient may have a maximum of 6 mature plants and 12 immature plants.
Mature plants – Any plant that is 12 inches or over, in height or width, or in bloom is considered mature. Each patient can have up to six of these.
Starts and seedlings – Plants that are under 12 inches in all directions, with no buds or flowers, are not mature. A patient can have 18 of these smaller plants.
Patients who are not able to grow for themselves can name a grower (person responsible for the grow site) to grow for them. They may also designate someone over 18, called a caregiver, to manage their supply of medicine.
Patients and growers must be careful to stay within these limits, or risk being charged with a felony, with no protection under the medical marijuana law. It is also important to send a “Change Request Form” in to the OMMP when changes are made, such as BEFORE you move plants to a new grow site.
A patient who is under 18 years old must have the consent of a parent or legal guardian to enter the program, and the parent or legal guardian must agree to act as the patient’s caregiver.
The OMMP will issue identification cards to the patient, to the caregiver if there is one, and to the grower. There is also a placard, on the paper above the grower’s card, to be posted at the grow site. These cards may be shown to state and local law enforcement officers, who should not arrest registrants, or confiscate their marijuana, as long as the patient, caregiver, and grower have only the legal amounts between them. The grower must return the grow site registration card to the patient when requested to do so by the patient, or when the grower ceases producing marijuana for the patient.
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