Marijuana Information | Links & Articles | Marijuana Clinic | Portland Alternative Clinic Inc
Jim Rosenfield’s Articles and Opinion pages include many fascinating pieces by conservatives on prohibition.
Cannabidiol for Drug-Resistant Seizures in Darvet Syndrome
“Marihuana as Medicine: A Plea for Reconsideration” by Lester Grinspoon, MD and James Bakalar, JD (Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 273, number 23, June 21, 1995, pages 1875-76)
“Marijuana as Antiemetic Medicine: A Survey of Oncologists’ Experience and Attitudes” by Richard Doblin and Mark Kleiman (Journal of Clinical Oncology: volume 9, number 7, July 1991, pages 1314-1319)
The Fitz Hugh Ludlow Hypertext Library contains a number of hypertext documents about pre-1937 cannabis use in the English-speaking world, as well as other documents of a similar nature.
The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program at
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) dedicated to promoting positive legal, social, and political change in support of cannabis and the many adults who use it.
Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics (ACT) is dedicated to providing factual information on marijuana’s medical use. It is the first non-profit, patient-based group established to reform the laws which prohibit medical access to marijuana.
Marihuana: the Forbidden Medicine – Your virtual hosts are: Lester Grinspoon, M.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School and James Bakalar, J.D., Lecturer in Law in the Department of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School.
International Cannabinoid Research Society The ICRS is a non-political, non-religious organization dedicated to scientific research in all fields of the cannabinoids, ranging from biochemical, chemical and physiological studies of the endogenous cannabinoid system to studies of the abuse potential of recreational Cannabis. In addition to acting as a source for impartial information on Cannabis and the cannabinoids, the main role of the ICRS is to provide an open forum for researchers to meet and discuss their research.
Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence by Lynn Zimmer, PhD, and John Morgan, MD (The Lindesmith Center 1997) [Bookworld Companies 1-800-444-2524]
Media Awareness Project(MAP) works to ensure more balanced and accurate media coverage of drug policy issues and maintains a comprehensive archive of drug policy news and many free e-mail subscription services.
Renewables: Industrial Hemp presents articles and documentation on the hemp plant, the world’s premier renewable resource.
Center for Educational Research and Development(CERD) is an innovative, nonprofit organization devoted to the healthy development of young people and their families through evaluation, research, policy and program creation.
The Criminal Justice Policy Foundation is a Washington, DC-based, educational, nonprofit organization that works on innovative solutions to criminal justice problems.
The Drug Library the world’s largest online collection of drug policy related documents, featuring full-text articles, research papers, and even books. The Drug Library is a project of the Drug Reform Coordination Network.
The Drug Reform Coordination Network(DRCNet) is a central Internet resource for activists working toward drug policy reform. DRCNet offers legislative and media alerts, as well as The Week Online, an e-zine featuring original, comprehensive coverage of the Drug War and the movement for reform.
DrugSense works to ensure more balanced and accurate media coverage of drug policy issues and maintains a comprehensive archive of drug policy news and many free E-mail subscription services.
Educators for Sensible Drug Policy, is an organization of educators with members in Canada, U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, and Japan. Youth require accurate, scientific reality-based information regarding drug use and abuse. EFSDP is devoted to bringing the training, influence, and credibility of the teacher profession to drug law debate and reform.
The Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC) is committed to reducing drug-related harm among individuals and communities by initiating and promoting harm reduction education, interventions, and community organizing. HRC believes in every individual’s right to health and well-being as well as in their competency to protect and help themselves, their loved ones, and their communities.
Harm Reduction Psychotherapy and Training Associates provides substance abuse counseling as well as harm reduction training for therapists and counselors who want to learn about a different approach to treatment. In harm reduction treatment, any treatment goal is valid that helps reduce harm to an individual. Therefore, total abstinence is one goal among several alternatives. In other words, abstinence falls under the umbrella of harm reduction. This results in an approach that tailors the treatment to fit the individual, rather than trying to make the individual fit into a treatment model.
The Lindesmith Center – Drug Policy Research Institution – A policy research institute founded in 1994 that focuses on broadening the debate on drug policy and related issues. The guiding principle of the center is harm reduction, an alternative approach to drug policy and treatment that focuses on minimizing the adverse effects of both drug use and drug prohibition.
Medical Marijuana Portland Oregon: Portland Alternative Clinic Inc; Serving the Medical Marijuana Community